Tuesday, May 12, 2009

The Last Olympian

Just about one week ago, I read the fifth and **sniffles** final Percy Jackson book. Oh my goodness. I LOVED it! It most definitely did not disappoint! I was on the edge of my seat the entire time! I couldn't believe how much action there was in this book, and yet, somehow, Rick Riordan was still able to make me laugh out loud while reading, earning me some strange looks from my family members in the same room. ;) I adored it! I stayed up late in bed reading, all hidden under the covers- it was sooo much fun. I was unable to stop smiling- very hugely I might add- especially when I was reading the last couple chapters, and I think anyone who doesn't is made out of steel or something. Either that, or the fact that they disapprove of what happens... although I can't even imagine disapproving of it.

Anyway, the book revolves mostly around the "great prophecy" and Percy's sixteenth birthday, which is about a week from the beginning of the book. The book kicks off fast, and it never slows down. The main questions the story puts into your head throughout the book are- Is Percy the person in the prophecy? If so, what is the choice he has to make? And, will the choice either destroy or save Olympus?

Located here is most of the first chapter of the book: http://search.barnesandnoble.com/Last-Olympian/Rick-Riordan/e/9781423101475#EXC. To read the excerpt you have to press the link that says Read an Excerpt under the picture of the book.

So, I thought it was amazing, and I hope Rick Riordan decides to do another Camp Half-Blood book, because it seems like he might since in the Acknowledgements or something it says something about the "end of the first Camp Half-Blood series", also with the, umm... thing at the end, with Rachel... read the book and you should understand what I am talking about. :D **fingers crossed** Although we all know no one is gonna be able to beat Percy's amazing-ness.
Anyway, it was a spectacular book, and it is an AMAZING series, I HIGHLY recommend reading them and/or it.


Carly said...

Great review! I am so looking forward to reading this series soon; I better get started if I am to join in on all the excitement about Rick Riordan's last installment to the "AMAZING series!"

:) Marvelous job, fmride3397!

fmride3397 said...

It IS spectacular. :)

Ari's Girl said...

AAAhhhhh!!! That book was AMAZING!!!!! I LOVED it!!!! He NEEDS to write another one! Rick Riordan is a wonderful writer! Great review, fmride3397!

LovesToRead said...

It is absolutely amazing!!!